Here I am, jetlagged but not, on the Monday after daylight savings time. Second coffee in hand, conversations from the weekend rolling around in my head. I just listened, mostly. To plans for the future that included new places, people and goals. Growing up and growing roots. Moving on. A change of seasons coming soon […]
Author: Sarah
They say it’s your birthday

I am occasionally told that I’m funny. Mostly by Tiff and Ariana, who laugh at all my jokes like best friends are supposed to. I’m fairly certain this sense of humour comes courtesy of Gramma Miller—possessor of a dry, sarcastic English wit who taught us songs about constipation from an early age. But my sense […]
Look how they shine for you

There was so much to take in, it was hard to know where to point your eyes and focus your thoughts. In between all the new experiences—smells, sights, sounds—it was easy to be overwhelmed. I almost forgot to look up. But one night I threw my head back and caught a glimpse of the universe, […]
One Man Invasion

There is a lovely older Irish gentleman at work who is retiring this week. He’s a kind, gentle old soul and I like to pepper him with questions when he comes into the office just to hear him tell stories with that accent. Today I was asking about his plans for retirement, and he informed […]
Reader’s Digest
Internet, I have a confession. I don’t actually read that many books. I know it probably surprises you, since I love writing so much. But it’s the truth and I’m not proud of it. I am a champion book buyer. And I have every intention of finishing them at the time of purchase (or borrowing). […]
You’ve Got Mail
My Mom sent me a letter last week. A real live, handwritten letter. It was nothing, a quick one page note with some news from home. What a joy to open an envelope with no bill inside. To hold onto a scrap of paper, see her familiar handwriting, and know that someone far away loves […]
Kevin, I know for a fact you don’t party!
Last week my brother flew out here on a business trip and we got to have lunch together. I sat across the table from him and listened to him talk about his plans for the year and his hopes for his life and career. And it hit me—my little brother is a man now. The […]
Great Expectations

You may recall that last year I watched the Super Bowl solely because Beyonce was doing the half time show. Due to a strange combination of factors, I actually care who is playing this year. Because my hockey team is perpetually terrible, and because I needed something to watch that I didn’t have to pay […]
Year in Review — 2013
Time for a look back on the year that was, folks. 2013 was a year of firsts for me. I was blessed with a lot of new experiences, travel and deep friendships. It was also a really hard year for me emotionally and spiritually, especially the last six months since I’ve been back from Africa. […]
Count your Blessings Instead of Sheep

It’s Christmas Eve and I’m home. There are piles and piles of snow outside and my neighbour’s dog is howling in the backyard like he’s being murdered (he’s not). Mom is downstairs putting the tortiere in the oven and Dad is outside shoveling a path for us through the white mountains. I am thankful to […]