Listen up, crew. I want to talk about unconditional love for a second. Have you guys heard this new Katy Perry song? I am about to ruin it for you. Sorry about that. Here have a listen, I’ll wait. I am not one of those hipsters who hates pop music, I promise. See here and […]
Author: Sarah
Sunday Knit Football

Every time I disappear from here for a bit I feel the need to explain my absence. The truth is that my life has been extremely uninteresting and small for the past month. I’ve been hibernating. Mulling things over. Maybe even hiding a little? I have sat down to write a few times and come […]
Another Story
You totally thought I forgot about doing these Happy Friday posts, didn’t you? Here are four things that made me happy this week, because it’s Thanksgiving and it’s good to focus on the good stuff and be thankful. One The Head and the Heart has a new album coming out next week and you can […]
I’m not together but I’m getting there

If you did a quick internet search, I bet you could find a million blog posts extoling the virtues of autumn. People love fall, man. Decorative gourds! Pumpkin spice lattes! Putting your duvet back on your bed! Wearing scarves and sweaters again! Leaves turning yellow and red! I love all of these things too. As […]
a writing exercise

I’ve been having a hard time writing lately. Every time I try to think about what I want to share here I come up blank. God has been teaching me things, stretching me beyond my own ideas of who I am and what my life should be, but I don’t feel like I can solidly […]
Oregon Trails

Every New Year’s, I write one of those year-in-review posts. One of the questions is , “What did you do this year that you’d never done before?” This year the list will be a mile long thanks to Africa and all these extreme camping trips I’ve been going on. I’ve lived on the west coast […]
It’s my birthday too, yeah.
Today is my birthday, you guys. I am t w e n t y n i n e years old. I have so many good stories to tell about my birthday weekend I could probably split them into three separate blog posts. But it’s been awhile and Mondays are hard, so I am going to […]
See what I did there? Four things that made me happy this week. One Camping! Obviously. Two The Head and the Heart released a new single and it is muy bueno. Three Free almost-new running shoes! And they’re pink. If you blog about it, they will come. Four This verse. When the poor and needy […]
Oh Great. Outdoors.
You are not going to believe this, you guys. I went on a hike last weekend. Somehow I managed to become friends with a bunch of outdoorsy guys this year. I must have an especially sparkling personality or something because I’ve been fairly vocal about my dislike for the outdoors and hiking in general with […]

It’s Friday you guys. We made it! I hope you have something fun planned this weekend. Here are four things that made me happy this week. I’m going to try and keep doing these happy lists as a kind of thankfulness project. Also I promise to remember to take photos next week so it’s more […]