I got myself a pretty wonderful, expensive Christmas present this year… What should I call her?
baby you can drive my car
“Why don’t you be a good little brother and go make me a jelly bread sandwich?”
Remember a little while ago when I said that May was going to be a cra-zay-zy month? Well this has definitely turned out to be true. All of it is good stuff, it’s just been busy. This coming weekend is the first time I don’t have some kind of major social engagement going on and […]
Back from the dead of winter, back from the dead and all our leaves are dry
Time seems to be moving along at an exceptionally fast pace this January. Last week passed in a blur of rain and busyness, and this week has been much of the same—seriously, it’s Thursday already. I’m a little worried I might blink and miss the Olympics. Last week, I went for an entire seven days […]