Christmas music seems to have become a particularly polarizing topic in the past few years. Some people love it and start posting about it on Facebook in early November, while others like to take a the Ebenezer Scrooge route of “ABSOLUTELY NO CHRISTMAS ANYTHING UNTIL DECEMBER FIRST AND EVEN THEN YOU’RE PUSHING IT.” When it […]
For Seasons
The Mondayest of Mondays

Did you guys ever read that book, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day when you were a kid? From the moment Alexander wakes up, things just don’t go his way. He trips on a skateboard and drops his sweater in the sink, his teacher doesn’t like his picture of an invisible […]
I’m Only Sleeping

I am not a morning person. This has been well documented by anyone who has ever lived with me, travelled somewhere with me or tried to have a conversation with me at 6:30am. Mornings are just hard for me. They always have been, since I was little. It takes me forever to actually wake up. […]
- For Seasons
- ...
Year in Review—2011
It’s that time again folks, New Year’s. Time for the annual Lord of the Rings (Extended Editions) marathon. And time to look back over the year that was. Time for the 2011 Year in Review Meme! Here is 2010, for reference. You may notice that some of my answers haven’t changed from last year. Let’s […]
O Come Let Us Adore Him
Some photos from Westside’s Christmas Orchestra last week. Taken by my lovely and talented friend Ryan Schroeder. Those are totally my hands in the last one. Good thing I painted my nails the night before! Hail the heav’n-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Son of Righteousness! Light and life to all He brings Ris’n with […]
Christmas is all around
What.a.weekend. Ariana joined me in club 26, where we party until 10pm, spend our money on car payments and shake our heads/look down our noses at all those crazy kids who are not as wise and mature as we are. We celebrated with a slumber party. And watched Spice World and Clueless. It was a […]
Werewolf Bar Mitzvah
For someone who really hates Halloween, I sure had a good time this year. Since the actual holiday was on Sunday—I just shuddered a little bit when I referred to it as a holiday—everyone made it into a weekend long affair. There were people dressed up at the grocery store on Friday. I mean, honestly. […]
“They’ve got trees and mooses and sled dogs, lots of lumber and lumber jacks and logs!”
Tomorrow it is going to be July! Canada Day! I wish someone would let the weather in on this vital bit of information. Today I made the mistake of not bringing a jacket with me to work because I looked out my window when I was getting dressed and saw sunshine so I just assumed […]
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Yesterday my Mom sent me the nicest email. It was so lovely and so full of good motherly wisdom that I cried at my desk a little bit while reading it. Embarrassing! Anyway, one of the best parts was when she reminded me of the importance of focusing on the blessings that I do have, […]
They say it’s your birthday…
Happy Birthday Kev-Bot! My bigger little brother. You made me a big sister, so thanks. I hope you enjoy your ice cream cake and being one year older.