Life in General
Better things come to those who wait

Oh hai! Just dropping by today because I miss you, internet. Here is a quick update: We have a couch! It is beautiful. We are going to be so happy together. I will be spending a lot of time here in the coming years. Also I bet my Community group will be happy they don’t […]
Life Unupdated
Obviously, I have been a non-blogger for um, awhile now. I don’t want to think that is dead, mostly because I don’t want to be one of those people who starts a blog and religiously updates for two weeks and then throws in the towel. But also, I like going back and reading what […]
“I would like you to dance, Birthday! Take a cha-cha-cha-chance, Birthday!”
So I guess I only blog once every two weeks now? I am rapidly approaching the end of my job (two days left!) and to be honest I’m a little bit excited for unemployment. Obviously not the no-paycheck part, but otherwise it might be kind of nice to have a few weeks break. It will […]
Let the Games begin.
There has been a war to end all wars between me and the payroll department at work the last few weeks because they shorted me nearly four hundred dollars on my last paycheck. This is probably something you’re not supposed to blog about and I’m only bringing it up because it is essentially resolved now […]
I am too tired to think in paragraphs, but have the following things to tell you: · My car is broken, again. There is pretty much nothing that stresses me out more than my car at this point. Good news is one of the guys in my small group is going to fix it for […]