One “Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms.” Happy Tuesday everyone. It’s the first day of school today. I […]
Top Ten
Tuesday Top Ten

One It’s my birthday this week. Twenty-seven was a hard year for me and I’m not sorry to see it go. But (and that’s a big butt, as my 90-year-old pastor used to say) I learned a lot about God’s character and myself this year. Huge life lessons that came with a whole lot of […]
Tuesday Top Ten
One Happy Tuesday kids. I am totally exhausted and about 85% grumpy today. It’s mostly my own fault for trying to cram too many things into one weekend. But I would also like reserve a little bit of blame for the heat. My house is the approximate temperature of the sun and it makes falling […]
Wednesday Top Ten
One It’s already Tuesday Wednesday, friends. Did you have a good long weekend? I find that holiday Mondays always throw off my whole week. I do most of my thinking/planning/daydreaming for the Top Ten on Mondays, so when I actually start the work week on Tuesday and I have major blog post to write it […]
Tuesday Top Ten

One Merry Olympic Tuesday to you. I love the Olympics. Specifically, the swimming. But I will watch pretty much any Olympic sport except weightlifting. That one freaks me out. Two Clearly Contacts is pretty amazing. I got two pairs of glasses in the past two weeks for under $150. For both. One pair was on […]
Tuesday Top Ten

One Happy Tuesday, friends! My good friends Douze and Michelle are in town from Edmonton this week. I’ve been having a great time showing off Vancouver to Michelle, who has never been here before. I’ve mentioned before that Douze is all about outdoor sports and enjoying nature. Remember the time she tricked me into climbing […]
Tuesday Top Ten

One Top Ten is back for this week friends. I’ve decided to keep going for at least the rest of the summer and then re-evaluate my whole life in the fall. Two We have finally reached the sunshine times in Vancouver where everyone forgets about rain and eight months of grey skies and spends every […]
Tuesday Top Ten

I hereby present you with my top ten thoughts during a fourteen hour solo road trip from Vancouver to Edmonton. One “McDonald’s breakfast is the best part of a road trip. It’s a good thing McDonald’s doesn’t serve breakfast all day because I would be powerless to resist the hashbrowns and would end up weighing […]
Tuesday Top Ten

One What do you guys think of the new and improved! I am so happy with how it all turned out. I wanted to have a professional portfolio site to direct clients to, but still be able to keep up my blog and I think the new site design achieves that. Plus I am […]
Tuesday Top Ten

One Happy Tuesday kids! The blog redesign is almost finished and will probably launch later this week. Enjoy the old layout while you can, say your goodbyes now. New things are on the virtual horizon! Two Bellitat, the dance show that Jer, Jonas and I wrote music for was a rousing success. A whole bunch […]