One It’s Tuesday! The week goes by so fast, doesn’t it? I feel like I just wrote one of these posts and here we are at Tuesday again. This week is a week full of music. I have been rehearsing or performing or in the studio every single day this past week. I love it. […]
Top Ten
Tuesday Top Ten
One Howdy friends. Rainy Tuesday! I have already submitted two job applications this morning. My goal for the week is 15. Totally doable, right? Two Two weeks ago, I posted about how excited I was to see the new Snow White movie and Bam! The next day I had a message from a friend offering […]
Tuesday Top Ten

One Kicking things off with a warning that I feel particularly rainy and uninspired this Tuesday. Plus I think I am either getting a cold or my body is staging a revolt against being too busy. It’s making me grumpy. Two Sometimes I wonder if I will ever learn to rest and be still. How […]
Tuesday Top Ten
One Did you guys have a good long weekend? I celebrated Queen Victoria by driving 9 hours to go camping with some of my favorite Edmonton girls. That sounds like a long time to spend in the car but but a) I love driving and b) I love those girls so it was totally worth […]
Tuesday Top Ten
One After a brief hiatus, Top Ten is back. And I am back at work! Temporarily. I’m still chasing down that dream job. Are you looking for someone who loves writing and graphics and web content and communications strategy and teamwork? Email me! *Note: That made me cringe a little. I generally try to keep […]
Tuesday Top Ten
One I moved. I am exhausted. I feel like I could sleep for days years. But it’s done. I made it through April. Two These guys. I am so blessed to have such awesome friends. And to be a part of such an amazing community. Three Did ya’ll get VSCO cam last week? It’s VSCO […]
Ruby Tuesday
Wedding Weekend was the absolute best. Everything went so perfectly! And I am totally spent. Last night I could barely drag my butt off the couch to get a glass of water. Unfortunately I have to move this weekend so it’s not the greatest time to be made of lazy. If you’ll allow me to […]
Tuesday Top Ten
This is my best friend Ariana, isn’t she pretty? Here is a horrible picture of us taken the first year we moved to Vancouver. Yes, I really went out in public with my hair like that. This week she is getting married to a really wonderful man. And then moving to a far off land, […]
Tuesday Top Ten
One My heart is so full today. This was a wonderful weekend in so many ways. Sunshine! He is Risen! Friends! I ate lots and laughed much this weekend. I hope yours was amazing, restful and joyous too. Two Westside got a whole bunch of media coverage this Easter weekend. Global came to the Good […]
Tuesday Top Ten
One March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. April showers bring May flowers. Ugh. I am so over it. Two Saturday night me and Jeremey went on a friend-date to the symphony. One of the guys in his small group was singing in the choir so we got all dressed […]