We have been having amazing weather this month. Hot and sunny with no sign of rain for days. And not the oppressive kind of hot where you can’t sleep at night. Just that comfortable, take-a-book-to-the-beach kind of weather. Vancouver is at its best like this. It’s where the (totally self absorbed) slogan, The Best Place […]
definitely maybe.

Alright, let’s take a break from the melodramatic blog entries, shall we? I am still processing everything I learned and saw in Africa. There are still days that are hard, and times when I don’t understand my own emotions. But I know that I learned a lot in a short period of time and God […]
A time to break down and a time to build up
This city worships the summer. The beaches fill, the clothes come off. Everything plays second fiddle to the weather. Isn’t it beautiful? Love this city! Can’t get enough of this view! It’s only a season. For everything there is a season. And a time for every matter under heaven. It’s easy to sing, time is […]
Out of Africa

There are so many things I missed about Vancouver. So many wonderful things I forgot about or didn’t realize how wonderful they were until I got to experience them again after three weeks away. I forgot how comfortable my bed is. I forgot how wonderful it is to brush your teeth with tap water. I […]
Camping is in tents
There are at least a hundred things I’d never done before leaving on this trip that I have after this week at camp. Sleeping on the deck of a boat as it sails overnight down the longest lake in the world is one of them. I woke up last Monday morning to the sunrise and […]
A few days in Kigoma
Habari! I am (very) slowly picking up some Swahili. The word for OK is “Sawa” which sounds a whole lot like “Sarah” when you say it fast. People say it a million times a day and I’m getting whiplash from thinking I’m being called all the time. For the past few days we have been […]
The Earth is Yours
The team just got back from a once in a lifetime road trip to Katavi National Park, where we went on a safari with some of the Hope of the Nations staff and kids club leaders. It was a get-to-know-you/team building trip. It was so special to get to share the experience with some of […]
this is a strict airplane…

Oh hey guys. I am sitting typing this on my phone in the Mwanza airport “departure lounge”, which is really just one room with a bunch of chairs. They are selling samosas at the snack bar and advertising for season one of Prison Break on the TV. We have been travelling for a solid 43 […]
Exactly four more sleeps until I leave for Africa. I’m ready. I’ve borrowed all the camping gear I need. I shopped for the essentials like gravol, a sun hat and SPF 60 sunscreen. All of my fundraising is done. Thank you (x 1 million) if you are one of the people who gave, attended a […]
look how they shine for you

On the prairies, the sky is so big that it swallows you up. Stretching from your left shoulder to your right. Wide open spaces, standing in the expanse of a Dixie Chicks song. It keeps you humble, a constant reminder that your life is small. Last night I looked up at the stars for the […]