It was far from perfect, but it was blessed. Four things that made me happy this week: One Discovering this song. Two Shouting Talking to my whole family on speaker phone. Three A walk on the beach. Four All my fundraising came in. I’m going to Africa. I know so many loving and generous people.

You know how it goes, the first thing someone asks you: How are you doing? “Oh good! I’m good.” I say. And I am. I am good. I feel so much joy and anticipation about the changes I see in myself and people close to me. This is a season of newness! A time of […]
Sorry I hurt you but, they say Love is a virtue
Did y’all have a good long weekend? My bros were in town. It was so good to see them, and for them to get to meet all my friends. We went and saw Star Trek and ate dinner on the beach and spent a lot of time just hanging out. They are such good dudes. […]
“Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t come to the door right now. I’m afraid that in my weakened condition, I could take a nasty spill down the stairs and subject myself to further school absences.”

I got so sick this weekend you guys. It hit me so fast and so hard I barely even made it home, er, in time. I will spare you all the gory details but let’s just say I lost nearly eight pounds in two days. Thankfully my roommate is a nurse and took the absolute […]
Never say never

”I’m NEVER going to eat that Mom!” When I was a kid I hated zucchini. My mom had a wonderful garden and she would grow monster zucchinis every summer. We are talking the size of two footballs laid end to end. She would fry them with a little bit of butter and some spices and […]
Forty Six Sleeps
Uh, you guys did we skip spring and go straight to summer? I think I got a sunburn on my lunch break today. Also I need to remember to wear contacts tomorrow because reading outside in the sunshine with no sunglasses fried my eyeballs. Nothing beats Vancouver in the summer. This is why we all […]
The Darling Buds of May

It’s May already, you guys. I feel like the cherry blossoms just came out and now they are making cherry snow on the ground and it is starting to feel like summer (erm, sort of). Time is moving so fast. Before you know it I will be in Africa and then it will be my […]
I don’t really have anything to say right now. In the last week, I’ve sat down and tried to write a few times. I have no thoughts. Or I have too many thoughts. But they don’t fit into any kind of organized system. Words, sentences, paragraphs? I am a word jumble. Africa. Work. Shots. Jesus. […]
Everything I love is on the table, everything I love is out to sea

I meant to post this yesterday for Music Monday, but then a bunch of boys invited me to come over for a BBQ at the last minute and how can you say no to homemade burgers, amiright? May is going to be a wild and crazy month. I’m already stressing about how I will make […]