About four years ago, I met the Kneppers (Sr.) at a Christmas party. They were in town visiting their kids, Josh and Tami for the holidays. The Kneppers (Sr.) live in Tanzania where they run Hope of the Nations Bible College in a town called Kigoma. I remember being totally captivated by their stories and […]
Has the rain a father, or who has begotten the drops of dew?

I hiked up my hood and wandered through the woods in the rain. It was lunchtime and I was in a rare outside mood. I am not an adventurer. I would rather wander through a good book, a piece of history, a piece of music or a person’s story than get dirty and lost on […]
My hope is built on nothing less
There is a post that has been making its way around my newsfeed this week about how we need to stop sharing our “perfect lives” on Instagram. The author makes some really good points about connecting versus comparing our lives with one another, and I’ve been thinking about it quite a bit since I first […]
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

After a very tough week leading up to it, this Easter weekend was one for the books. I rested. I had a beer on the patio. I got my hair cut. The Oilers won, twice. I led worship on Sunday. I cooked a roast for the first time. I hosted a “family” dinner. I enjoyed […]
Deadliest Catch

On Sunday afternoon I went crabbing with some friends at Bel Carra. More accurately, I went and sat in a lawn chair on the dock for a few hours while my friends crabbed. I had grand plans for an afternoon at home: doing my taxes, sending out my fundraising letters for Africa (… say what? […]
The Brothers Karamazov
Am really digging Ivan & Aloysha with all their shakers, whistling and man harmonies. And haven’t you always wanted to know more about hat making? All the Times We Had by Ivan & Aloysha
Are you comfortable right there, right there?

The sun is back! I feel like a new woman this week you guys. I don’t even care that it is still blustery with a cold, cold wind. I will take sunshine any way I can get it. First of all, The Happening Black and White Gala was a huge success. Everyone looked amazing, funds […]
Why do you doubt?

I’ve been thinking a lot about Peter. He climbed out of the boat, He stepped out on the waves and followed. But he saw the wind, He was afraid. He started sinking. Immediately. Jesus reached out his hand. Took hold of him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” I read that story […]
The Happening is happening.

This is my friend Kim Stevenson, isn’t she beautiful? I’ve written about Kim here lots. She was my first friend at Westside and she has been such an encouraging, steadfast friend over the six years that I’ve known her. Kim is an amazing dancer. Creativity and energy and movement just flow out of her all […]
The Bowled and the Beautiful

What a beautiful weekend. What did you guys do? Did you dress up and go cosmic five pin glow-bowling with 50 of your closest friends? I did. BOLO! Our Community Group joined forces with two other groups for an epic night of bowling on Friday. Each CG had a team theme. Ours was The Bowled […]