My throat hurts today and I’m totally miserable because of it. Having a sore throat is the absolute worst kind of sick because you can’t sing or enjoy coffee. Also, people can’t tell that you have one so you get zero sympathy. ”You don’t sound that bad!” Oh really? Because I feel like I just […]
City Rain, City Streets

It is basically a hurricane outside today you guys. I think this qualifies as coming in like a lion, no? I’m being dragged going out dancing tonight! True confessions, I never went through an “ omg going to the bar is so fun!!!!!” phase. Even when I was young and foolish in my early 20s, […]
It’s a miracle, even if it’s in my head

Oh em gee, you guys. Thank goodness it’s Friday. I wasn’t sure I’d make it this week. It was busy, busy, busy at the work and included not one, but two 7am starts. Gross. Other than working and getting up early here are a few things that happened or have been rolling around in my […]
Put your cookies in the cooling rack, let’s kiss the sky away
Happy Music Monday kids. These guys (Cave Singers) are my jam today. Their album, No Witch is so super good. Especially if you like harmonicas and rootsy indie music. Doesn’t this video seem like summer to you? Sun in your eyes, haven’t showered in a couple of days, jazz flute? Kidding about that last part. […]
Happy Valentimes!
Hey crew, Happy Valentines. If you are reading this little blog o’ mine then I probably love you. You know who really loves you? Biebs. He loves you so much that he made you a playlist on Songza. Go check it. It has all the slow jams and Mariah Carey and MJ your pre-teen heart […]
Question, tell me what you think about me?

Did you guys watch the Super Bowl yesterday? I did go to a Super Bowl party, which was well attended by females. A couple of the guys sitting next to me on the couch were all, ”Why are there so many girls here?!” Um, because it’s the Super Bowl and there are DUDES and BEYONCE, […]
A sensitive and sunny disposition

Haven’t done one of these in a while. Here is a random sampling of what’s going on in my life at the mo. Yesterday I spent eight dollars on Cauliflower. EIGHT DOLLARS. The worst part is that when I rang it through at the self-checkout the first time, it came to six dollars. I thought […]
Happy Birthday Douze!

Me and Douze have been friends for one million years (approx). From the time I was about 16 until I moved away at 22 we were very nearly inseparable. Even though we are “bipolar” opposites, we did everything together. She tricked me dragged me out to climb mountains with her, and I made her explore […]
when everything around you’s changing like the weather.
As the fog rolled in this week it rolled up inside me. Down from the mountains, over the ocean. Curling its gray haze in front of my eyeballs and through my brain. I am probably fighting that virus that’s going around. Probably. I am probably fighting a battle— not against flesh and blood. Fighting, fighting, […]
There’s a house on fire and I’m runnin in
You guys – these guys!! The moon’s gonna rise no matter what The moon’s gonna rise no matter what And I’m a hero and a monster So tie me to the chair The way the parts of me They always disagree It’s a wonder that this body doesn’t break It’s a wonder that this body […]